Signs Plus

Historic Weinhard Hotel Signage Refresh

Featured Image - Weinhard Hotel Lit at Night

The Weinhard Hotel Sign Receives an Extreme Makeover! Hotel History In 1890, Jacob Weinhard constructed the Weinhard Hotel building to house the Weinhard Lodge Hall & Saloon. When the saloon opened, the newspaper called it “perhaps the finest in the State of Washington, and we doubt if there is anything of the kind to surpass it on

Take Out to Help Out | Eat Local Campaign

Featured Image - Blinking Neon Sign That Reads "Take Out - Help Out"

Signs Plus Inc is teaming up with local restaurants, diners, and breweries to buy our community a free meal. Every Friday we will support a local business by paying for 5 different customer’s orders, up to $25.00 each. The way to win is to check the Signs Plus Instagram (@signspluswa) & Facebook (@SignsPlusNW) pages for

The Benefits of Neon Signage

Featured Image - Close up photo of neon

With a simple switch, neon signage can change the ambiance of a room. They can transform a daytime cafe into a night lounge. The functionality of a neon sign allows for nighttime and daytime usage. Neon is the fifth most abundant chemical element in the universe after hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and carbon, which makes it

CorePhysio’s Flagship Clinic

Featured Image - CorePhysio Sign

Redefining an Iconic Bellingham Landmark into CorePhysio’s Flagship Clinic When you drive along State Street, it is easy to see the old Skipper’s sign on the corner of Kansas and Grant Street. The current sign is a 30 foot angled bright red anchor making it hard to miss. “It’s definitely the most frequently asked question

Creative and Effective Sign Solutions

Featured Image - Vision Plus Barkley Sign

One of the keys to great signage is contrast and eye-catching design. There are many approaches to tackle the obstacle of grabbing someone’s attention. When neon signs first hit the scene they became the standard to attract the eyes of people passing by. Recently LED illuminated signs have more become popular for several reasons. LEDs are cost-effective

Bellingham Bay Ophthalmology Entry Sign

Ben Strom and Eric Drommer collaborating to complete the installation. The sign is internally illuminated and set up with a light sensor to turn on once the sun starts to go down. It is important to note that when using this type of sensor that there is no other ambient lighting that might cause the

Nugents Corner Market Sign Creation

Nugents Corner Signs Plus populating LEDs

Creating a Corner on the Market John Holmes put in the hours to apply letter faces to the Nugents Corner sign. John says that the smaller letters give him more trouble due to their tight corners and serifs on the typeface. Sore fingers to get a splendid result. We appreciate your hard work, John! Click

Scenes at the Solar Rooftop Sign Installation

In efforts to document and capture the process of our sign creation process we want to share a variety of images with you. There is so much that goes into creating signage for a business that it will be difficult to get it all in one blog post. Instead, we want to show you highlights

Have you Seen Those Blue Exit Signs on the Highway?

MSI Highway Featured Image - headlights blurred

Motorist Information Sign Program Motorist Information Signs (MIS) are placed along state highways to alert travelers about the services available at an interchange or intersection. MIS are blue or brown panels with individual business logo signs attached. Travelers searching for gas, food, lodging, camping, recreation, tourist activities, or 24-hour pharmacy will see your business logo

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